Saturday, September 7, 2013

29 Faces #6

Today I continued with oil pastels, but now thinned them down with some linseed oil as planned.

There are some features I would change, but I decided to stop making corrections before the paper was totally covered. I like how the white paper shimmers through thin colour layers.

Thanks for all the comments, they mean a lot! It's nice to hear feedback when trying out new things. :)


  1. I agree about letting the paper shimmer through. There is a really lovely quality of light about this picture. Beautiful blue colors in the shadows on her face.

  2. She is so beautiful and dreamingly

  3. Light is shining in this painting. It is very beautiful.
    Wonderful colors and good shape.

  4. A very dreamy effect. I love to see experiments, and this one works so well.

  5. Hienoa pastellien käyttö tässäkin kuvassa. Minulle ne ovat aika hankalat värit, tai en osaa niitä oikein käyttää.
    Herkkä ja kaunis kuva.

  6. Kaunista ja herkää, ihana maalaus.


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Kommenttisi on tervetullut, oli se sitten suomeksi tai englanniksi!