Friday, January 30, 2015

Vivid Details from Forest

I keep finding the most amazing details when walking through forest. The branches seem to form patterns that are intriguing, when against the light sky. Tree bark has beautiful, vivid shades that I love. The variation of trees makes them my favourites. :)

Walking in nature is one of my top hobbies right now. :) I'm looking forward to Spring, when there will be more light here in northern hemisphere. That means I can get better photos with my compact camera. ;)

Metsäkävelyistä on tullut suosikkiharrastukseni viime viikoina. :) Nautin, kun löydän visuaalisesti upeita yksityiskohtia kaikkialta ympäriltäni.
Metsässä erityisesti puut ovat monella tapaa suosikkejani. Oksiston muodostamat kuviot ovat yleensä valoa vasten aivan mahdottoman hienoja, mutta myös kaarnassa löytyy kiehtovia rakenteita ja sävyjä.
Odottelen kevättä, jotta valon määrä kasvaisi. Digipokkarillani saa nyt hyviä kuvia vain keskipäivällä, jos pilviverho ei ole sakea. Oikeaan suuntaan ollaan onneksi menossa. ;)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Digitally Drawn Faces And More

I progress in using digital pen as a art medium. It's easy for me to start drawing a face - and lately that has lead to these outcomes:

I also found myself drawing my favourite animals, bunnies. :)
The more furry one was very hard to get done...

Saturday, January 17, 2015

City Dweller in Forest

What I most enjoy in my new neighbourhood is nature. It really is something else compared to the parks I took walks in the last place I lived. Now, no parks but forest! ♥

I feel grateful and humbled being able to smell, see and hear all the life around the woods. And it's all just 10 minutes away from my home. :) I wish I could present here the smell of pine trees, the scent of ground in warm days and all those tiny details...

Uudessa asuinpaikassani on parasta lähimetsä. :) Olen kertonut siitä lähes kaikille, jotka tapaan. Entisten puistokävelyiden sijaan pääsen nyt ihan oikeaan metsään kymmenessä minuutissa!

Metsässä kävellessä kaikki aistit kertovat jotain mielenkiintoista. Ja koska hajuaistini parani marraskuussa tehdyn poskionteloiden operaation jälkeen, metsän tuoksu on parasta, mitä voin kokea. :) Voi kun sen tuoksunkin saisi tänne blogiin kuvien oheen...

Friday, January 16, 2015

Back to Blogging :)

Hi! Hope your year has started well! I'm starting to get more cosy in my new home - one can actually call the apartment as home these days. ;)

This blog post I started already a month ago but... I found myself mixing Christmas bakings and decorating my house, and unfortunately not blogging.

The cardboard hearts I covered with gesso and home-made colour sprays.

Today I thought this is as good day to continue as any. There are things to show! ;) I have a huge list of things I'd love to do soon. The end of last year was quite tiresom but now I want to start expressing myself. :)

This digital drawing is already somehow Spring-spirited. :) 
Although Winter in Finland is beautiful, it's sometimes dark and depressing. 
A bit of colours have their place among the season.