Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Favourite Season

The autumnal crafting is a beautiful way to celebrate this season. Although my thyroid issues are better in summer, I still love autumn more.

Last autumn I had overbooked my schedule because I was so happy to be back home from the studies in a quiet rural area. This year I will try to take things easy, so I can keep up. Blogging happened too be one thing that I couldn't keep up with, but let's try again. I wish I had shared these autumn projects sooner, but it's never too late 😃

The small gift bag with self-made mushroom and leaf motifs.

This hobby is one that I seem to do in cycles. Always feeling like there's something still undone. Paper crafting feels like a good way to take a break from work, where I use computer all the time.😅 Plus a creative hobby where you do something with your hands is suppose to be good for your brains!

The loaded envelope closed.
This loaded envelope had three envelopes connected together.

Now I better continue cooking some lunch, have a nice weekend!

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