Sunday, February 9, 2014

29 Faces 2014 #6 #7 #8 #9

Today I have a quartet of faces for 29 Faces challenge.

After all those colourful drawings I found myself picking up a white gel pen and some black drawing paper.

The results, #6 and #7:

I thought this technique was harder than I had imagined. The upper one is pulled from my imagination. The lower face I made by using an old photograph of a woman as my model.

#8 and #9:

These two I made yesterday and they certainly look different than the former try-outs! Tried to fill the black space more evenly and managed to overdo that a bit! I had to fix some small spots with black ink. I'm glad they look as good as they do. :-) They have something in common with the seventh face that I made last year.

Hope to catch some time to visit you soon! :-)


  1. I just invested in some white gel pens and am giving them a try. I love what you've done with yours!

    1. Thanks! ^_^ I hope I'll see soon what you come up with yours.

  2. Vaikuttaa hankalalta yhdistelmältä, valkoinen väri ei anna paljon anteeksi. En varmaan uskaltaisi edes yrittää. Olet kyllä onnistunut hyvin, pidän erityisesti tuosta alimmasta.

    1. "Rohkeasti vain tulta päin" ;-) Taitaa olla omakin suosikkini tuo alin.

  3. Kaunista viivaa, ilmeet ovat hyvin persoonallisia. Luulin aluksi raaputustekniikalta, valkoisella piirtäen pitää ajatella negatiivisesti :)
    Toiseksi alin on minun suosikkini.


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Kommenttisi on tervetullut, oli se sitten suomeksi tai englanniksi!